Hi, my name is Debbie Choi...
Living and breathing in this beautiful world all things health and wellness related as we connect and find contentment with our one true nature.
We are a part of nature and nature is within us all
I have a keen interest in these subjects and am always trying to learn, do and grow to become the healthiest, happiest, fulfilling human I can possible be. Along the way I strive to help others find their own health and happiness in their own unique way also.
So come with me and join the journey.
With over 7 years of experience in the health and fitness industry. starting out as a Zumba Instructor, I have broadened my knowledge, learnt and grown.
I hold qualifications in:
- 200 hours Yoga Teacher Training
- 300 hours Advanced Yoga Teacher Training
- Level 3 Personal Training
- Level 3 Sports Massage Therapy
- 60 Hours Yin Yoga Teacher Training
- Level 2 Gym Instruction
- Level 2 Exercise to Music
- Rational Emotional Behavioral Therapy
- Sound Healing with Tibetan Singing Bowls
- First Aid
Sometimes a teacher, always a student; every day I learn a bit more from the environment and myself, as my passion to be With Debbie blossoms.